Happy Halloween
I figured I'd better say something since I haven't been on for a bit.....still alive....congrats to Greg and Josey, lovely time at TR last Saturday, your Grandma is a TREAT Josey!, lovely lady
........gf is keeping me busy, ......studying that is, good thing, grad school feels like I bite off a little more than I can chew right now, tough getting back into the role of student.....
hope Hall O. Ween has been nice to everyone, he seems to be full of surprises!!
PS - anyone interested in heading to AZ (Dejay Birtch) for a singlespeed ride in Feb.???...reg. opens Nov. 6th, payment due Jan. 5th.......email singleandfixed@hotmail.com
PPS - Thanks for reminding me Simmons of the 'gravel grinder' on Sun. Nov. 5th....a tribute to the EnduroSnob ride that sadly won't take place
Good to see your still alive Sears :)
Arizona sounds fun. I don't have any vacation until next year. I was thinking of the AZT 300 in April of 2008 though. How does that sound?
As for this Sunday. I'm trying to map out an all day gravel grinder. Nothing too intense. Long steady distance with a small town cafe or two to warm up. Rick is on board. It would be awesome if you and Barton could come too. Not sure about all the details yet, but I'll give you a call or post on my blog when I know more. Start getting your cold weather gear organized :)
yeyeah....should be interesting...snow, cold...hope the Answer Kashmir shoes I ordered up work well....suggestions winter bike guru Simmons???....Singlespeeding it?...AZT 300 sounds good!
Thanks for coming, We've been eating steak leftovers for the past few days. Who thought NY Strip could get old.
I can't wait for the Thanksgiving blog post :)
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